In message <>, "Sascha Luck [ml]" <> wrote:
I *do* agree that the NCC should not get involved in routing or content matters. I dispute the statement that *everyone* agrees with that.
I do not agree with that. With respect to "content", yes, that is *not* RIPE's concen. But you have repeatedly tried to lump these two very different concerns together, content and routing, and you have done so inappropriately, in my estimation. The distinction between the two is clear enough, I think. It is not for RIPE to decide what does or doesn't constitute "pornography", e.g. in Russia, much less in Saudi Arabia. That's the part that I think essentially everyone agrees on. In contrast, with respect to routing, I have to ask "What is the purpose of RIPE?" Is it not to make allocations of numbers, to various parties, in the hope and belief that this will cause all of those parties to "stay in their own lanes", so to speak? Is the point of all of RIPE's abundant bookeeping simply as an end, in and of itself, and totally without reference to what actually happens out the Real World, with people's actual routers? I think not. The whole point of RIPE is to try to foster cooperation, and more specifically to prevent counterproductive squabbles about who should be using which numbers. If I am right about that, then 2019-03 is simply a codification of that pre-existing goal and that pre-existing mandate. To say that RIPE should have nothing to do with routing is like saying that the traffic cop who stands in the middle of busy intersection, motioning at various cars to tell them when it is their turn to move, should have no effect at all on which cars actually do move, and when. If that's true, then why bother having him there at all? Regards, rfg