anfernandez@lavanguardia.es you wrote:
Let me ask you a question: Which is the mision of RIPE?
You didn't ask _me_, but I will answer anyway. The first order mission of RIPE NCC is to make and oversee number re- source allocations, insuring that they are done in an orderly fashion, and to maintain the data base of said allocations. The first order mission of RIPE is to fund and maintain RIPE NCC.
RIPE's web site say: We serve our members by delivering a high quality regi stry and supporting the core Internet infrastructure. Connecting people wit hin and beyond the technical community through our inclusive, multi-stakeho lder approach, we contribute to an innovative and reliable Internet.
Do you really think RIPE is serving its mission?
I do, yes.
Do you really think RIPE is providing a reliable internet?
I do, yes. Every time I go to visit, for example, www.bbc.com, it just works. Younger people sometimes don't appreciate what a minor miracle this seemingly simple thing is, and what a colossally large number of different things *all* have to work, and work correctly, in order to make it happen. (I've been working on computers since the mid 1970's, and let me tell you, back then it was _really_ a minor miracle when anything did in fact work.) Regards, rfg