
FIRST have experience in supporting violation of privacy laws.

You are trying to make Ripe LIRs to be informers on each other instead to unite the Ripe community to fight abuse together, which is very bad to my opinion, you know (according to presentations that were displayed in FIRST) that any data that the informers will send to Ripe - will reach the systems of Europol and Spamhaus and any other entity in your "Trust Groups", without any regulation and without any supervision on the parties in these "Trust Groups", besides the trust that the members are giving to one another when they share in them illegly-obtained private data (like a group of criminals). I believe that what you are trying to do here is a very bad path for Ripe.


From: anti-abuse-wg <> on behalf of Serge Droz via anti-abuse-wg <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 6:55 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] 2019-04 Discussion Phase (Validation of "abuse-mailbox")
So, it's the security guys, saying

  This may help a bit, but won't solve all problems.

versus the infrastructure operators saying

  Beware! This it creating huge costs and will not help at all, and
answering two mails a year will be our ruin.

Sadly, this list is run by Naj sayers.


Dr. Serge Droz
Chair of the FIRST Board of Directors