8 Nov
8 Nov
9:11 p.m.
In message <20141108005303.GD58817@cilantro.c4inet.net>, Sascha Luck <lists-ripe@c4inet.net> wrote:
On Sat, Nov 08, 2014 at 12:03:57AM +0000, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
But I doubt you or anyone else can ask to stop any proposal at all being placed on the agenda. Whether or not it gets consensus is a different next
Just. Try. Me. This goes to the full forum or it goes nowhere.
"This" what? Other than my own rather informal suggestion that contract terms and expectation could be made more plain, I don't recall having seen anything specific put forward here would might even vaguely be called an actual "proposal". So I'm mystified about what it is that you are, I gather, opposed to. Regards, rfg