Hi Nikolas, Thank you for your explanation, I appreciate it.
On 2 Jan 2020, at 14:29, Nikolas Pediaditis <npediaditi@ripe.net> wrote:
With regards to implementing policies and procedures, we apply them as equally and neutrally as possible, but we also consider it reasonable and sensible to take extraordinary circumstances into account. On this occasion, RIPE NCC Management reviewed a case in which new information had come to light and it decided to act as it saw necessary and appropriate.
I do believe that the extraordinary circumstances are when the ER department is involved in the process. But usually RIPE NCC don't perform the rollback of transfers. In the case we've seen, two members are still active, no M&A deal, but suddenly Ministry of foreign affairs got involved, crime investigation is ongoing... In the similar circumstances in Kazakhstan (2018-2019) the NCC decided not to make any statements in the court and didn't revert the transaction until the Supreme court made its decision. The unpredictability of the NCC's actions don't make the members happy. -- Kind regards, Sergey Myasoedov