On Friday 17 August 2012 08.50, Frank Gadegast wrote:
lists@help.org wrote:
Hello Mr. Lists,
well, you kind of forgot the discussion about this topic you started a while ago ... its all in the archives.
first, this list changed its name from anti-spam-wg to anti-abuse-wg, guess why ? spam defines the problem on the senders side, and your right, you cannot define spam because of different personal and legal definitions, you can only use it as a more general term, most people simply know what it is.
A disagree. spam is a well defined thing. It's unsolcitated commercial email. What is lacking in many countries is a legal definition and sanctions for sending spam. We ought to be able to fight spam ( as an international problem) even if some countries does not have specific laws against it.
(you can try and defined "live". I will be happy, if you could, most people cannot and also have different definitions, but most people also have the same ideas, when they talk about "live". You can also try and define "red" ...)
second, we are talking about abuse here abuse is clearly definable, it happens on the receivers side, its either abusing somebody personally and could have various reasons or legal background, defined by different countries law, organisation rules, whatever ...
third, the same email could be abusive in one country or when received by one person or organization or whatever entity and could be ok with others
You must diffrentiate between acts illegal in some country and spam. It's 2 completeley different things. Note that even person-to-person messages containg for instance childporn is illegal in many countries, but it is not spam.
fourth, there is NO clear definition of abuse at the receivers side because of those different "feelings" or laws, but this one: ITS ABUSING HIM
Therefore the definition of spam is pretty easy: a spam email is an unwanted email that abusing the receiver
Its disturbing him, tricking him, forcing him to do illegal things, forcing him to buy things, he does not want, using his resources in a way, he did not intent, using his time, forcing him to learn and use techniques to get rid of it or whatever. He feels abused. Whats really annoying is that spam is delivered with stolen resources ( abusing
Now you have invented a "kitchen-variant" of definition os spam which most people disagrees with. Spam has nothing to do with any receiver beeing abused, it's only unsolicited commercial email(s). peoples computers and tricking them in delivering their spews). So with spam there is two victims. the person who's resources is unknowingly abused to send spam , and the recipient that has to pay for receiving spam.
And thats it.
And this group simply tries to make it easy to prevent abuse, if the abused one wants it ...
I am aware of this but it simply uses another unidentified term "spam." Using one undefined term to define another undefined term is not a standard. As an official spokesperson for a major security company you should know that. This is why most of these abuse groups look like they are run out of someone's Mother's basement. I think some people posting large signatures for a 3-word reply is spam so should they be blacklisted because I have that opinion? Should they be labeled an
Well, I personally feel abused by people joining a discussion without telling their name, dont reveal their background and kind of hide. I feel uncomfortable with it, because I do not get enough context to argue. Furthermore I think, its rude ...
Good day sir, my name is peter håkanson, which clearly was in my .sig.
I also feel abused by discussing the same things all over again ...
If nothing happens then the same issues will come up again and again ..
And so: I do not want most of your comments and mails, they are unwanted and unsolicited to me personally, they are using my time and energy to read and answer, they are making me angry, because they are rude and thats stopping me from arguing without fellings only using facts, and thats making me even more angry, and according to my definition: I would call them spam ...
Then please unsubscribe. Remember that thisis a opt-in list.
And you can come with whatever argument, it will not count, cause you already abused me and you cannot take that back.
"abuser" or "spammer" or some other undefined term?
Kind regards, Frank -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb http://www.powerweb.de Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast mailto:frank@powerweb.de Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ======================================================================
-- Peter Håkanson There's never money to do it right, but always money to do it again ... and again ... and again ... and again. ( Det är billigare att göra rätt. Det är dyrt att laga fel. )