Hi All, Firstly I would like to comment that the multinationals and their funded trade groups (and their lobby orgs) shouted from the rooftops that if the GDPR came into effect, Internet in the EU would collapse and there would be digital doom and gloom. How wrong they were (hindsight is perfect - as we can all clearly see) imnsho the very early effects of the GDPR on email spam alone has been very positive. This without any cases, that I know of, yet, being brought against any of the evil companies yet. (yet being the operative word here - as I am sure, on email spam alone, there will be cases coming) The EU has truly become a world and global leader in the reclamation of individual rights and the free Internet. The entire planet is watching the EU and with the still pending " respect for private life and the protection of personal data in electronic communications" (ePrivacy) being the next truly leading thing to look forward to. Success of the Digital Single Market Strategy in the EU will lead to decentralised development (not to speak of empowerment) not only in the EU, but also in Africa, China and all over the globe. This will place the control of the Internet back in the hands of localised civil society and hopefully avoid enslavement of humankind. As far as this wg is concerned, what is happening in the EU is having a very positive impact on certain types of abuse :) my 1c Andre