In message <m2twovfghn.wl-Niall.oReilly@ucd.ie>, "Niall O'Reilly" <niall.oreilly@ucd.ie> wrote:
On Mon, 09 Nov 2015 00:40:52 +0000, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
While I do feel that the tripartite nature of the contracts in question is in fact self-evident, I can only agree that my opinion on this point is not informed by either a law degree, a "bar card" (as we say here in this country), nor even with a personal perusal of any of the contracts at issue.
Thank you for confirming my belief that you've been guessing, and that your guesses form the basis for your assertion that the "nature of the contracts in question is [...] self-evident."
I never claimed to be a laywer. Are you making such a claim for yourself? In any case, that's all irrelevant, and actually, this entire sub-thread is really just a meaningless digression from the essential point, which is that RIPE NCC can be and should be doing _something_ to insure the reliability of its data. It is beyond dispute, I believe, that there is absolutely nothing in either law or contracts that would prohibit it from doing so. If you mean to suggest otherwise, please do elaborate. Regards, rfg