On Wed, 17 Apr 2019, Nick Hilliard wrote:
Carlos Friaças via anti-abuse-wg wrote on 17/04/2019 22:13:
The main concept is that the RIPE NCC will not have the role to investigate or to judge, following a report.
who is liable if a mistake is made? The individuals on the judging panel or the RIPE NCC?
Hi, It shouldn't be the RIPE NCC, if the RIPE NCC is just following the defined policy. If individuals on the judging panel are liable (by dutch courts, i imagine) for wrong decisions, then that may be a hurdle to form a pool of experts. Maybe liability insurance is possible, but i don't have a way of calculating that kind of cost. And how will a dutch court determine a wrong decision was made? by getting a different set of experts...? In the case the RIPE NCC closes a LIR based on RIPE-716 A.1.2.2.g, the RIPE NCC is also liable? Or the individual staff that decides that untruthful information was supplied to the NCC is also liable? I'm not even aware if the NCC already has any liability insurance in place for those cases -- and if they haven't why they chose not to have it. Regards, Carlos