Hi Russ, Op 27 jan. 2012, om 23:01 heeft russ@consumer.net het volgende geschreven:
If it is that difficult then why isn't this information on the RIPE web site in a clear fashion and why didn't you respond weeks ago when I first brought this up?
Take a look at http://www.ripe.net/internet-coordination/press-centre/publications/annual-r...
The US taxpayer is paying for the US Dept of Commerce to administer this contract.
Euhm… You seem to think that the money is flowing from US to EU. It is the other way around: the RIPE NCC makes an annual contribution to ICANN (€ 234k in 2010, look it up in the annual report of 2010 on page 50).
As I understand this IANA is responsible for the authentication, integrity, and reliability of the whois data.
I think this page covers most of your confusion: http://www.iana.org/abuse/answers, especially the section 'Allocation of IP Addresses'. It starts with 'The IANA maintains a high-level registry of IP addresses.', which is the data that IANA is responsible for. No more, no less. - Sander