In my prior posting to this list, I was seriously remiss about one thing. It is apparently from his quick response to my posting last night (PDT -0700) that Mr. Freeman is either a direct subscriber to this list or else he's reading the list traffic on a routine basis, as it is being forwarded to him by some other party. Anyway, even if he is not a list subscriber, it's an open list, and he's free to join as a regular subscriber & contributor whenever he wants. Mr. Freeman apparently feels that I have here portrayed his company, Host Sailor Ltd. in an unfair and unflattering light. If so it appears that I am in good company, as all of the links I've provided to other unflattering online portrails of Host Sailor Ltd. have amply demonstrated. (Perhaps Mr. Freeman might like to consider petitioning... or threatening... all of those web sites into modifying THEIR appraisals of his company also, and he might even want to consider petitioning Google, Inc. and asking them to stop serving up any results at all for the search terms "HostSailor exploit".) Ignoring, for the moment, those possible public reputation harm mitigation steps, it does appear that the things that are most vexing to Mr. Freeman at the present moment are my public comments here on this list. If so, then it would seem that Mr. Freeman, as a subscriber to this list, could rather easily set the record straight by providing his own alternative explanations and/or interpretations of the material I've presented here. And also, that he could do so directly, himself, right here on this open list, anytime he wants. I hereby invite him to do so. It is clearly not in the interests of any of the subscribers/participants of this list to only have access to facts and/or opinions which are substantially inaccurate. Conversely, it *is* in the interests of everyone here to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If, as he apparently believes, Mr. Freeman has a better claim to the truth than the facts and evidence that I have posted here about his company, then I most certainly invite him to share that with all of us here, and in the process of so doing, repair any damage to his or his company's public reputation that may have been done. Indeed, if Mr. Freeman ever does make contact with any actual member of the bar, he may then become informed that legal damages which may be awarded in the context of a defamation suit are, to no small extent, dependent upon the plaintiff's demonstrated willingness... or lack thereof... to actively mitigate his own damages. In short, if Mr. Freeman genuinely feels that his public reputation has been materially damaged by any unfair or untrue comments that have been posted to this list, then he himself can easily mitigate those damages, in full, by posting his own exculpatory evidence and opinions, right here, right now, on the very same list where he feels that he and/or his company have been represented unfairly. I reiterate my invitation for him to do so, and for him to do so right here, right now, on this very list. Please note that my invitation to Mr. Freeman is not even contingent upon him presenting any bona fides which would serve to validate that he even is empowered to speak for Host Sailor, Ltd. Indeed, as I've previously mentioned, despite a reasonably diligent search, I have been utterly unable to find _any_ online records which would tend to support the view that Host Sailor, Ltd. is even a properly registered corporate entity with *any* government, anywhere on planet Earth. (If I've just missed such documentation during my search, then I do look forward to Mr. Freeman pointing me at it. Note also that I do not count RIPE WHOIS records as being even minimally persusuasive evidence when it comes to the actual legal existance for any entity. I am also and equally unpersuaded by the various stories I've heard about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.) Separately, of course, even if it is in fact the case that Host Sailor, Ltd. is properly incorporated... somewhere... it would be helpful to know... and to see at least some scrap of actual documentation of... anything that would tend to show that Mr. Freeman is actually even an officer of the company... rather than say, the janitor, or just some wayward prankster or HostSailor client who somehow managed to get hold of a @hostsailor.com e-mail address, and who then went about constructing a free LinkedIn account to make himself seem like an actual legal repre- sentative, empowered to speak for the company. As I say, I personally am willing to forego any evidence at all that Mr. Freeman either (a) is who he says he is or (b) that he is even authorized to represent Host Sailor Ltd. in _any_ capacity whatsoever. At least I am willing to utterly forgo _any_ bona fides from Mr. Freeman when it comes to my invitation to him to come here, to this list, and provide whatever truth he feels has been missed. With respect to his legal saber rattling however, I feel compelled to inform the alleged Mr. Freeman that I wasn't born yesterday, and that thus, I do not tend to cower in fear in response to legal threats from people whose authority to even issue such corporate fatwas is entirely unverifiable. That having been said, I do very much look forward to receiving threating snail-mail letters from Host Sailor's UAE and/or Belizian counsel. Any such will be gleefully returned to sender with a note attached suggesting the forceful implantation of said letter(s) in a locale typically protected from solar radiation. Regards, rfg