On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 02:42:35 -0700 "Ronald F. Guilmette" <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
I have just been reviewing the RIPE Code of Conduct for mailing lists, and specifically these sections:
RIPE community members should not spam mailing lists, post others' personal information, register multiple accounts to avoid moderation or mislead participants, impersonate others, or make threats. Overt marketing or promotional activities are discouraged.
Chairs are responsible for facilitating and moderating the RIPE community's discussions. At times they may direct an individual to cease a certain type of behaviour. Chairs have the authority to moderate or ban disruptive community members if they decide this is necessary.
I'd just like to ask you if you are in agreement with the above quoted
Yes, I am in complete agreement with the above. That said, you, on the other hand are clearly not. Whether I am wearing underwear or not hardly has anything to do with this abuse list and your discussing my underwear is also hardly proper. And, you, requesting a non-role contact at Hetzner, is clearly an indication of the bully you are. That you are also an ignorant bully is now common cause. Andre