Carlos Friaças wrote on 01/04/2019 16:51:
But let's also focus on two words:
"punishing" -- no, that's not the goal, the goal is to close a clear gap and make people understand that hijacking is not tolerated.
The explicit aim of this proposal is that if the expert panel judges that you have hijacked prefixes, you will be punished by the RIPE NCC. "Inflict a penalty or sanction on (someone) as retribution for an offence, especially a transgression of a legal or moral code."
"weaponises" -- how?
"weaponises" == turns the registry into something to beat people with, i.e. punishment by withdrawal of resources.
So, rather than talking about how much we want to do something about BGP hijacking, maybe we should discuss what grounds we'd have for refusing to deregister resources for things that other people in the RIPE NCC service region feel constitutes abuse, and where the line would be drawn? Let's start with political dissent and gay rights.
None. But 2019-03 is exclusively about BGP hijacking.
Ok, so you accept that this is the thin end of the wedge and that if the RIPE community were to accept this proposal, we would have no grounds - none - to argue against other people who propose withdrawal of resources for things that they find offensive. Thank you for clarifying this. Nick