17 Apr
17 Apr
8:23 p.m.
Fat fingers, On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 3:17 AM Töma Gavrichenkov <ximaera@gmail.com> wrote:
Honestly, I think it's the opposite. If the NCC terminates a membership agreement, it should be liable for all the consequences of a wrong decision no matter how exactly the decision is made and what arbiters/experts/oracles/grandmoms were asked for a definitive advice.
.., because if it turns out that the experts or oracles prepared a bad advice, it would be the NCC's responsibility for not choosing a better set of experts of oracles. In any case, an individual won't be able to compensate a financial damage of an average ISP being shut down anyway, so it must be an org, and highly unlikely it could be that individual's employer. -- Töma