15 May
15 May
3:12 p.m.
On 15/05/17, 6:38 PM, "anti-abuse-wg on behalf of peter h" <anti-abuse-wg-bounces@ripe.net on behalf of peter@hk.ipsec.se> wrote:
The main route of attack is by SPAM. Why is noone doing something effective against SPAM ?
I thought the fine people here weren’t the internet police? :) Or so quite a few folks get assured when anything effective against spam gets discussed. More seriously, spam isn’t more than an initial vector. It then appears to spread via open windows shares, to other unpatched machines. There are a wide variety of takedown and mitigation actions possible here – sinkholing c2 domains, cleaning up infected machines on people’s networks, locking down firewall ACLs to prevent this from spreading unchecked etc. --srs