Ronald, On Monday, 2013-01-21 03:44:57 -0800, "Ronald F. Guilmette" <> wrote:
Public naming and shaming of any and all parties involved should be a part of that, in my opinion, and furthermore I think that a pro- vision which explicitly allows this should be written into all RIPE contracts from now on.... as in "If we catch you doing this, then no, you DON'T get to hide behind any confidentiality provisions within this contract that might otherwise apply."
I agree. I even don't think we should wait until the end of the process! :) There are reasons that trials are matters of the public record, and basically I think they all apply here.
Perhaps something more like a couple of checkboxes on the complaint form which say:
[ ] I wish this complaint to be public. [ ] I wish my name to be included in the public report.
Color me flumoxed.
I can't find "flummoxed" in my crayon box, but maybe I need to get one with more colors. ;)
I _thought_ that we were talking about the (unfortunate) confidentiality now being routinely and contractually provided to RIPE members... even, apparently, utterly fictitious and fradulent ones... who make off with resources, counter to current allocation policies, via fraud, deceit, or artifice. All of a sudden you seem to be worried about _my_ confi- dentiality, or lack thereof, or forfiture thereof.
No, I'm not worried about your confidentiality, however I was trying to think of potential misuse of the system. For example, I might falsely report abuse by a competitor, in order to tarnish their name, and cost them time & money dealing with the report. Because of this, it is in people's interest to have the identity of the abuse reporter public to avoid this issue. HOWEVER, there is also a place for anonymous abuse reporting. People may notice something "funny", but not really be interested in spending a lot of their own effort resolving it. Consider it like an anonymous tip-line that some police departments set up. So when evaluating reports of an LIR's abuse, one could see anonymous reports but view with an additional level of skepticism.
You have a solution in search of a problem.
Well, the main point of the proposal is to have a public archive of abuse reports to the RIPE NCC, not anonymity. The problem that I was attempting to solve is the utter lack of transparency in abuse handling. I readily admit it is probably not the best! Please suggest something else! Cheers, -- Shane