Hi Alessandro A query on APNIC's web query form for only specifies a single abuse email contact. The other email address in the rdap output is the "email:" attribute value from the referenced IRT object. That is not intended for abuse reports. When we implemented abuse-c in the RIPE Database, one of the underlying principles was to have a single process for documenting and finding abuse contact details. We specifically removed "abuse-mailbox:" from the IRT object, which APNIC still has. So you can't directly compare the two database outputs. There are many ways we can tweak the technical details of how abuse-c works in the RIPE Database. Rather than go round in circles discussing all possible permutations, perhaps it would be better if you specified the behaviour you would like to see. If others in the community agree, then the RIPE NCC can make the necessary technical changes. As long as we don't break that basic principle of having the one process for documenting and finding abuse contacts, each of which is singularly defined, anything else can be changed. cheers denis co-chair DB-WG On Mon, 14 Feb 2022 at 11:09, Alessandro Vesely <vesely@tana.it> wrote:
On Thu 10/Feb/2022 22:40:18 +0100 denis walker wrote:
Yes you can allow any customer with an assignment to have their own abuse-c contact. But the database query will only return a single abuse contact for any IP address. If the assignment object has an abuse-c then a query on any IP address in the range of that assignment will only return the customer's abuse contact details. If an assignment does not have an abuse-c then such a query will return the resource holder's abuse-contact details. A query will not return both the customer's and the resource holder's details.
Queries at ARIN or APNIC (and maybe more) often return multiple addresses. For example: https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/ has two addresses, returned as two entries in the relevant vcardArray.
However, this can be changed if the community wants something different. We can make abuse-c a multiple attribute so the resource holder can add the customer's and their own abuse-c to an assignment. Or we can change the default behaviour of the query so when an abuse-c is found in an assignment it always returns the resource holder's abuse-c as well. Or we can add a new query flag to return both abuse-c details when available. Or we can modify the abuse-c attribute in some way so the resource holder can choose what a query returns. Any behaviour is possible as long as you define what behaviour you want and the community finds it useful.
I don't know if the current settings allows to enter a comma-separated list as an abuse-c string value. Most often, the abuse-c value is an email alias. So, I don't see why people would enter several addresses if they can manage the aliases.
IMHO, it makes more sense to store multiple addresses if they can be added by different people.
jm2c Ale --
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