In message <>, Brian Nisbet <> wrote:
We understand that you are against the application of GDPR to the ICANN Whois. So noted.
However your language below repeatedly goes beyond what I believe is acceptable under the RIPE Community Code of Conduct. You are insulting people both in broad swathes and specific instances.
That is clearly not the case. I have insulted no individual and you cannot show otherwise. I do take issue... as do numerous polititians -and- a majority of the voters in the UK... with the absurditities being doled out by unelected European Council regulators. To call their unilateral edicts idiotic is actually an example of admirable restraint on my part. I could have been, and arguably should have been considerably more blunt.
As I said, there is no problem expressing your opinion of any law, proposal or idea, but please do so without any ad hominem attacks nor repeated references to imagined groups.
Brian, I can only suggest that you refresh your understanding of the term "ad hominem", which you clearly misapply here. Google provides a generally accepted definition: ad ho.mi.nem adverb & adjective adverb: ad hominem; adjective: ad hominem 1. (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining. "vicious ad hominem attacks" 2. relating to or associated with a particular person. "the office was created ad hominem for Fenton" As you personally have leveled the charge, I ask you personally Brian, what person, specifically, have I insulted? What person, specifically, has been the alleged victim of my alleged ad hominum? In this case your objection seems altogether less about my alleged lack of proper decorum, and altogether more about the fact that you personally don't agree with the message. And by the way, none of the following groups, about which I have commented, are in any sense "imagined": domain registrants domain registrars domain registries ICANN The European Council If you believe that any of these groups are illusory, then perhaps you will be kind enough to explain that view for the benefit and enlightment of all here. Regards, rfg