22 Mar
22 Mar
5:21 p.m.
Hi, We (the co-authors of 2019-03) are planning to do that. The set of co-authors for those 4 proposals will probably be expanded in the other regions. Those proposals will also benefit from input from the discussion started here 3 days ago. Best Regards, Carlos On Fri, 22 Mar 2019, Töma Gavrichenkov wrote:
there has been a trend in recent years to make RIPE policy that transforms the NCC from a resource registry into a political agency...
I am a resident and citizen of the United States
Do you have any plans on proposing the same policy for ARIN?
| Töma Gavrichenkov | gpg: 2deb 97b1 0a3c 151d b67f 1ee5 00e7 94bc 4d08 9191 | mailto: ximaera@gmail.com | fb: ximaera | telegram: xima_era | skype: xima_era | tel. no: +7 916 515 49 58