On Mon, 19 Jun 2017 03:25:56 -0700 "Ronald F. Guilmette" <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
In short, it is an education problem. There was a similar problem some years ago when a major effort was launched to finally and fully eradicate smallpox. There were some backwards villagers in the wilds of rural Pakistan who just couldn't be convinced that smallpox wasn't "the will of god". As you may have noticed, in the American political system also, bad outcomes accrue in the presence of a poorly educated populace. It is incumbant upon us, the class of netizens who understand the problem, to educate our less well educated brethern and fellow Internet users on the importance of not just putting up with it when this big company or that big company takes a dump in your inbox. Speaking only for myself, I certainly attempt to provide such education at every opportunity, and only wish that others would do likewise.
+1 very cool post Ronald, very insightful and helpful, thank you :) Andre