Hi, I would like to express my support to the 2019-03 proposal. Regards. ________________________________ AVISO - Esta mensagem e quaisquer documentos anexos seus podem conter informa??o confidencial sujeita a sigilo profissional para uso exclusivo do(s) seu(s) destinat?rio(s). Cabe ao destinat?rio assegurar a verifica??o da exist?ncia de v?rus ou erros, uma vez que a informa??o contida pode ser intercetada ou corrompida. Se n?o for o destinat?rio, n?o dever? usar, distribuir ou copiar este e-mail, devendo proceder ? sua elimina??o e informar o emissor. ? estritamente proibido o uso, a distribui??o, c?pia ou qualquer forma de dissemina??o n?o autorizada do conte?do desta mensagem. DISCLAIMER - This message, as well as any attachments to it, may contain confidential information for exclusive use of the intended recipients. The recipients are responsible for the verification of the existence of viruses or errors, since the information transmitted could have been intercepted or in any way corrupted. If you?re not the intended recipient, you cannot use, distribute or copy this message, and you should destroy it and inform the originator of it. It?s strictly prohibited the use, distribution copy or any other form of unauthorized dissemination of this message?s content.