In that line of thought: I would like email validation on a regular basis. There are so many email addresses that do not work properly (what then is the sense of registering invalid data?).
Actually, I think all such schemes would be counter-productive. End-users do not want to, and in may cases aren't able to, deal with RIPE NCC. They pay LIRs to do this for them. Now, if registering an assignment to an end-user with the end-user's contact data (as you are supposed to do) would result in this end-user being harrassed with phone calls or emails, they would very quickly ask their LIR: "WTF is this crap?" Or, they might ignore it and the LIR has to deal with the consequences (de-registration anyone?). So the obvious defence for the LIR is to register any assignment with their own contact data. Does that make the ripedb more or less useful? rgds, Sascha Luck