2010/4/11 Frank Gadegast
I think that everything IS spam, what somebody, who receives it, is bothered
with, because he did no want it, he feel offended, did not ask for it
or whatever personal reason.
Really? So the newsletter you've subscribed yesterday, received the first issue today and was happy about it, turns into spam tomorrow when they publish a story that annoys you?
Now we're entering very interesting terrain...
You have a mail address and receive stuff you did not ask for,
that has nothing to do with business or interest.
No, but it is something to do with consent, don't you think? The consent should be the most important thing when considering if something is spam.
And if I feel abused, I think its spam.
I might think that white is black, but it doesn't make it so. Consent, that is the key.
And thats excatly what is the background idea of a spam report
delivery system.
Let the recipient decide, what he think hes abuse about.
So, are you talking about abuse, or are you talking about spam?