On Nov 16, 2012, at 8:41 AM, Alessandro Vesely <vesely@tana.it> wrote:
The specification of RESTful web services for retrieving registration
data involves all RIRs and most names registries, so it doesn't depend
on RIPE only.  Even so, I hope Kaveh will be able to keep us informed
about those developments' timeline.

Hello Alessandro,

The RIPE Database API documentation is located at: 

As mentioned in the documentation, we have a query and an update API. We maintain these APIs and there are already internal and external applications developed to use them. These APIs are specific to the RIPE Database and they cover almost all of the functionality provided by RIPE Database.

There is also an IETF WEIRDS (http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/weirds/charter/) effort. The drafts are close to becoming standards but they are not yet finalised and some of the basic functionality is still under review. 

When the standards are finalised, we will implement them as standard methods for accessing the RIPE Database but we will have to keep our own APIs because WEIRDS is focused on registry data and only covers a subset of RIPE Database queries. Any complex query, routing data query and updates to the database will still be handled by our own API.

So to conclude, with implementation of "Abuse Contact Management" policy, we will implement all query functions in our own API and as soon as WEIRDS API is standard, we will provide the data through possible placeholders in the WEIRDS standards as well.

I hope this addresses your concerns. Thank you for your comments.

Kind Regards,

Kaveh Ranjbar,
RIPE NCC Database Group Manager