Is there anything that stops NCC from doing additional due diligence such as validating abuse issues along with the invalid contact information etc, before taking such a decision? On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 9:52 PM Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> wrote:
Serge Droz via anti-abuse-wg wrote on 29/04/2020 16:55:
So, it's the security guys, saying
This may help a bit, but won't solve all problems.
versus the infrastructure operators saying
Beware! This it creating huge costs and will not help at all, and answering two mails a year will be our ruin.
The root problem is that the policy proposes to use the RIPE NCC to enforce abuse management processes.
The specifics in this iteration of the document are to threaten and then act to deregister an organisation's number resources - and thereby remove their ability to conduct business - if the organisation declines to handle abuse complaints over email.
To be clear, it's a fundamental right in large chunks of the RIPE service region to conduct business. If the RIPE NCC acts to threaten to remove this ability to conduct business, there would need to be sound legal justification for doing so.
-- Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.lists@gmail.com)