How or why do you say they are anti Islamic? --srs (htc one x) On Sep 21, 2012 10:52 PM, "U.Mutlu" <security@mutluit.com> wrote:
Brian Nisbet wrote, On 09/21/2012 05:02 PM:
Erik, Erik Bais wrote the following on 21/09/2012 13:55:
Thnx for that Brian.
I'll save my questions on this topics for next Thursday.
Thanks. Also, the Clean IT project has just posted this reaction:
http://www.cleanitproject.eu/**edri-publishes-clean-it-** discussion-document/<http://www.cleanitproject.eu/edri-publishes-clean-it-discussion-document/>
The "press release" begins with this sentence: "However EDRI suggests otherwise, a posted document on their website does not provide concrete proposal to tackle terrorism on the internet."
Do I need to brush up my english, or what is it saying exactly? :-)
I don't think, and hope that such an anti-Islam-only paper (and anti-Islam organisation and web site they have set up under the RIPE umbrella with EU tax money), can or should ever get any ratification from the netizens. It even looks like a paper coming directly from Israel's foreign secret service Mossad...