On May 27 I wrote:
>> It is interesting to note that from yesterday to today, your website
>> went from "high risk", according to Sucuri.net, to "low risk" (what
>> nonsense!) and your WorldPress is updated with version 4.7.5. You can
>> make the joke you want with the versions, but you ran to update your
>> WorldPress, yesterday or today.
On May 28 Andre wrote:
> ox.co.za does not have a website... it also never did not and does not
> have wordpress, in any version...
Day 27 your web address *ox.co.za* redirected to the website of your anti abuse system: http://ascams.com/spamid/
Now redirects to https://www.google.com.br/...
What do you want to hide? No one accused you of anything.
> how is my security score today?
> if you do 'research' and you base your 'research' on flawed tools,  the
> results of your research will be flawed...
Why do you insist on judging me? Because I said that my research system is more appropriate than yours ?! I wrote that the Sucuri evaluation it was a NONSENSE. Moreover, Sucuri.net invents infections to sell service. And I have proof of that. I never make statements without proof and I believe that is exactly what bothers everybody so much. Try to find in your crystal ball a better reason to judge me. Your argumentation based on supposition is depressing.
>> Do you like to prejudge? Buy a crystal ball!

>I do actually own a crystal ball... so, I do not need one, what I need
>is a user manual...

The user manual of a crystal ball is a dishonest mind. Are you sure you need one?
From: ox
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 2:39 AM
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] fake abuse lists
On Sat, 27 May 2017 21:42:11 -0300
"Marilson" <marilson.mapa@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did not know my English is so bad. I do not know spfbl.net and I do
> not use information from anti-spam companies because my research is
> more appropriate than yours. You are rambling and have a bad habit of
> judging who you do not know. Information about your WordPress
> outdated I got into
> https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/ox.co.za
> It is interesting to note that from yesterday to today, your website
> went from "high risk", according to Sucuri.net, to "low risk" (what
> nonsense!) and your WorldPress is updated with version 4.7.5. You can
> make the joke you want with the versions, but you ran to update your
> WorldPress, yesterday or today.
ox.co.za does not have a website... it also never did not and does not
have wordpress, in any version...

how is my security score today?

ooh, I see no web firewall, wonder what the website looks like...

if you do 'research' and you base your 'research' on flawed tools,  the
results of your research will be flawed...

then, I can hint to you that whatever sucuri.net may have checked is
probably not even wordpress at all, never mind at what version :)

> Do you like to prejudge? Buy a crystal ball!
I do actually own a crystal ball... so, I do not need one, what I need
is a user manual...
