Sascha Luck wrote:
On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 09:47:35AM +0200, Frank Gadegast wrote:
What about a RIR regulation to ensure that address space is only used for purposes not harming anybody ? That resource holders are responsible for the abuse coming out of their networks ?
Srsly? Abandon the common-carrier principle for the sake of a minor annoyance like *spam*? Forcing ISPs to censor and surveil all traffic
Sure, its a matter we should discuss, how far we like to push things. For a start I would like to force resource holders to actually read the mail arriving under their abuse address. This will not force anybody to control all the traffic. F.e. by returning ticket numbers or the like. Or sending automatic CCs to the RIPE NCC .. This could be controlled, weighted and analyzed by the NCC and could give evidence about how the ISP is working with abuse reports. And this could be used in the autiting process somebody (sorry, forgot the name) likes to bring a bit further right now here on this list. Others have probably other ideas, lets hear and discuss them.
passing their networks? Apart from the fact that this is undemocratic and unworkable, how well did that work for China?
We are talking about the RIPE region. Kind regards, Frank
rgds, Sascha Luck