I would personnaly expect a number at most. "Who, Where, what region" is to my view, confidential. It was already said by Athina Fragkouli that RIPE just acquired that new bike not so long ago. Got it approved, put licenses plate on it and began to take its first rides on it... What do you expect? 10,000 deregistrations? I don't think that the best one can do just as he receives his brand new care is to ride it top speed. In short, just file well corroborated complaints for filthy registrations to begin with, and let them go! If the weird filthy registration come back over & over even after months that the complaint was forwarded to RIPE, we'll see... But for now... Why wouldn't you give it a little push forward, Hum? antispam.report
-----Original Message----- From: thor.kottelin@turvasana.com Sent: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 14:12:30 +0300 To: anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net Subject: RE: [anti-abuse-wg] RIPE NCC Procedure Regarding LIR Information in the RIPE Database
-----Original Message----- From: anti-abuse-wg-admin@ripe.net [mailto:anti-abuse-wg- admin@ripe.net] On Behalf Of Athina Fragkouli Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 11:47 AM To: anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net
The RIPE NCC requests that the LIRs provide the RIPE NCC with truthful information, as well as correctly maintain their registration in the RIPE Database at all times. If an LIR fails to do so, the RIPE NCC will terminate the service agreement with this LIR and deregister the Internet number resources allocated to it.
More information about this procedure can be found in the RIPE NCC procedural document "Closure of LIR and Deregistration of Internet Number Resources", available at: https://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-517
The RIPE NCC handles abuse complaints sent by third parties. Anyone can send a complaint to abuse@ripe.net.
Can you estimate how many cases of incorrect registration data third parties have reported to the RIPE NCC since RIPE-517 became effective and how the final results of those reports are distributed between e.g. compliance and deregistration?
-- Thor Kottelin http://www.anta.net/
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