Hi all, I've just subscribed to this list, after I found no web form to report an invalid abuse-mailbox in whois data. As an example, let me mention that the welcome message I received has a "List-Archive" header field with a value of <http://www.ripe.net/mailman/private/anti-abuse-wg/>. The corresponding web page's title is "RIPE Mailing Lists", and searching for the keyword "abuse" leads no results. Perhaps, that header field's value should have been <http://www.ripe.net/ripe/maillists/archives/anti-abuse-wg/>. So what? Entropy damages invisible data more steadily. I like Tobias proposals, but wonder if they wouldn't be more incisive by concentrating on specific details, such as the abuse-mailboxes. Suppose we had a "ping" abuse-report-type to be sent to such addresses every few weeks, just to collect "on my guard!" replies. Domains caught off guard deserve removal from whitelists... How about abuse-mailboxes related to inetnums? ARIN's web form doesn't apparently allow to report that, since it needs a domain name. Ciao Ale