On Tue, 16 Aug 2016 13:30:41 -0700 "Ronald F. Guilmette" <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
In message <4df1712f-8f90-ef7c-b02e-7adfe6ecab25@dcrocker.net>, Dave Crocker <dhc@dcrocker.net> wrote:
An exercise that might help, but which is certain to have a poor signal-to-noice, is to ask everyone to post examples of what they think is abuse, or rather to post every example they think /might/ be abuse.
See WHOIS record below. My contentions, briefly, are threefold: (1) That the WHOIS record shown below contains nothing other that which was, with <snip>
Okay, so, regarding the subject of Definition of abuse, what we have up to now: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The non sanctioned use of a resource to infringe upon the usage rights of another resource" Current discussions about what needs to be added still? (add if I am missing anyone or anything please) (1) Gert Doering suggested that "there are legal reason why someone could infringe on someon else's use rights" - added the 'non sanctioned' - seems fine now, Gert? (2) unauthorized access / hacking / and/or breaking in ( Dave Crocker - abuse concerns unauthorized access ) (Andre - breaking in is crime, abuse is use something for bad purpose ) (3) causing damage to others ( Dave Crocker - "and to actions that inflict damage on others" ) ( Michele Neylon - I like the idea of “damage” or “harm” on others The “infringe on usage .. “ thing didn’t seem very clear to me and I don’t see how that would apply to spam etc) (Andre - damage is a result of an action or result of abuse? crime?) (4) Fake WHOIS records (Ronald F. Guilmette some whois records are cleverly constructed bovine excrement ) (Andre - fake/wrong whois records - are not abuse ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are fake whois records abuse? I think this is an excellent question and requires discussion. Personally I think filing fake information to a resource is actually a crime called fraud. I am sure that this is also a crime under Dutch law and that the Dutch Law enforcement should investigate this? But, imho, fake whois records and/or incorrect whois records, is not abuse. Andre