On Tue, 14 Jan 2020, Nick Hilliard wrote:
Gert Doering wrote on 14/01/2020 10:19:
And if it's not going to have the desired effect, do not waste time on it.
More to the point, the RIPE number registry should not be used as a stick for threatening to beat people up if they don't comply with our current favourite ideas about how to manage social policy on the internet.
It is a registry, not a police truncheon.
Hello, (Going perhaps a bit off-topic...) If people are not able to follow the rules of the registry, maybe they shouldn't be allowed inside the system... :-) [Fact 1] If someone provides falsified documents to the registry, that someone goes off the wagon. [Fact 2] If someone doesn't pay the registry in due time (after several warnings), that someone goes off the wagon. <please feel free to add more here, if there are more ways of falling off the "registry wagon"...> I would also feel comfortable if someone who indicates a 3rd party e-mail address as the abuse-mailbox for their _OWN_ address space, goes off the wagon (after some warnings, of course...). BTW, some years ago our physical address was added in whois to someone else's address space in a different RIR and that was _NOT_ a nice experience... Regards, Carlos