+1 on all points That someone who won't even disclose who they are has the gall to demand that Spamhaus or anyone else should is hilarious and disturbing. -- Mr Michele Neylon Blacknight Solutions Hosting, Colocation & Domains https://www.blacknight.com https://blacknight.blog / http://ceo.hosting/ Intl. +353 (0) 59 9183072 Direct Dial: +353 (0)59 9183090 ------------------------------- Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd, Unit 12A,Barrowside Business Park, Sleaty Road, Graiguecullen, Carlow, R93 X265,Ireland Company No.: 370845 On 09/07/2020, 07:30, "anti-abuse-wg on behalf of Serge Droz via anti-abuse-wg" <anti-abuse-wg-bounces@ripe.net on behalf of anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net> wrote: Hi Info Maybe one of the reasons some Non-logging VPNs end up on blacklist sis that the Non-Looging phrase is just an excuse to not go after misuse. The rights to privacy and free speech do not mean anything goes. You can fight abuse without violating privacy. But of course that's not for free, you need abuse people that investigate and they cost money. Sadly, many of these VPNs frankly just don't care, using the lame excuse that they are protecting fundamental rights, when in fact they are just don't care or take responsibility. I don't agree with everything Spamhaus does, but I find them responsible and and always found a way way to talk to them. I was reluctant writing this, because I'm not sure this discussion will lead anywhere. It's one of these where opinions seem to already have been formed. But you start accusing people of posting anonymously. I totally agree this is bad, but then, who are you, info@fos-vpn.org? You don't seem to offer a name yourself. I find this a bit hypocritical. Best Serge On 08.07.20 20:46, info@fos-vpn.org wrote: > All I would like from Spamhaus is to stop publishing fake SBL records in > order to discredit us and to use that to put pressure both upon us and > our upstreams. > Non-logging VPN services are as legal within the EU as Exit Nodes of the > Tor Network (which have massive abuse entries in various data bases, > especially the larger ones) and public WiFi Hotspots, which can be used > for abusive activities, too. > > I don't know who "PP" is (probably the same person which posts under the > nickname "Petras Simeon" on Twitter and on various boards), but he > contacted us and our upstream providers without telling his name, just > using this email address: phishphucker@storey.ovh and sending us the > list of SBL entries which he also posted here. > Don't know if he's working for Spamhaus or not, but before attacking > others publicly, people should reveal their true identity, anything else > would be sneaky in my opinion. > -- Dr. Serge Droz Chair of the FIRST Board of Directors https://www.first.org