Sascha Luck wrote:
What happens: has the LIR to cancel the contract with its customer ?
If there still is a need for the assignemnt, nothing happens. If not, the assignment must be returned to the LIR. The NCC has no authority over who a LIR does business with. rgds, Sascha Luck
So, does anybody knows any reason how the NCC could revoke an assignment or even an allocation, if there is a technical need and all contract data and RIPE entries are conform to the current regulations ? There SHOULD be a possibility how the NCC could revoke assignments, if they are used for obvious abuse. Sounds ridiculous to me, if there is none (yet). Sounds like to me, if an owner of a house is renting the appartments in his house to criminals, wich build bombs, plan bank robberies and train terrorists and he has no way to terminate or restrict the contract as long as the criminals pay the rent and empty the letterbox ... (sorry for the harsh example, but I think it somehow fits). (and dont tell me we need the descision of a judge in the Netherlands) Kind regards, Frank -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ====================================================================== -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen, -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ======================================================================