Hi Kostas,
- the proposed approach is to replace all other alternatives and become THE reference point for abuse contacts
That is true, I will add this to the proposal in the next version.
- what exactly the transition period will be and what might be required by the relevant users and the RIPE NCC (this might also be added as an argument opposing the proposal)
This is an operational issue and can not be a 100% defined at this point. The idea is, to transfer as much information as possible to the system automatically. So from this point we could for example use a admin-c or tech-c object that has already an abuse-mailbox as abuse-c as well. That is one possibility. There probably will be a notification of all members. There will be a cleanup process. But at the moment it is much to early to define these things. And in addition to that, the process of implementing and transition should not be part of the policy, because once the policy is in place and all transitions have been made, nobody will care about it anymore.
- what exactly happens in case someone does not comply after the transition period
Same what happens if somebody does not comply with any other policy. RIPE NCC will take care with the already defined processes that are in place right at the moment.
I also think that it is a good idea the rational of the Task Force to come up with this solution be presented in the policy text. Thanks for all your work and of course I think that the proposal moves toward the right direction. I only feel that the proposal wording needs some extra work.
In pieces I think you are right, but we should not put together things that are not belonging together. The policy is about adding an abuse-c in a specific way. The implementation will be added by RIPE NCC and what happens when is also coming from already existing RIPE NCC processes. But I will add the mentioned part to the proposal. Thanks for your feedback, Tobias -- abusix