On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 Chimel Chimel <chimel31@live.fr> wrote:
Thanks for summarizing the situation, Richard, but that's really frustrating nonetheless. If the registrars can't enforce penalties because the whois information is broken or the ISP does not answer, it is basically useless to contact their abuse email, even for documentation purpose.
As I explained, the party that can enforce penalities is the upstream.
For instance, it is a real shame that all these blacklist databases have been created privately by people fed up with abuse. This should be funded and controlled by the registrars IMHO.
If they were controlled by Registrars the situation would be far worse.
BTW, if btuser.net means you work for British Telecoms, congrats,
No, in a sense it means I am a USER of BT's services. BTUSER.NET is a "neutral" domain which I use in order to be able to speak here without using my normal work account.
And you should renew the fee for that btuser.net domain, it goes to a godaddy.com spam page telling this domain is for sale at $1.99. ;-)
To keep things neutral, that domain has just a GoDaddy parking page. You may have misread the advertisement, it says that GoDaddy has (other) domains at $1.99: the btuser.net domain is not to my knowledge for sale. Regards, -- Richard Co-Chair, RIPE AA-WG