Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
Apparently, somebody @ RIPE NCC thinks that I have been too curious of late.
s/somebody/something/ :-)
How long should it take for this error to go away?
About a day, I guess, unless you continue to hammer along... [...]
And anyway, can anyone here explain to me what the point is of limiting WHOIS queries based on the source IP address?
Some sort of (weak, we all know,) protection of mass harvesting of potentially personal data, *and* some sort of protection against run-away scripts from the same source. This is a pretty old mechanism and its shortcomings are known. [...]
More to the point, who is it, specifically, within RIPE NCC, that has the authority to fix this?
No one. And please stop accusing the NCC folks of stupidity and other useless stuff! Coming forward with proposals for removing or modifying the mechanisms imho would be the responsibility of the Community, either in AA-WG and/or DB-WG or maybe Services. IIRC, we had a brief discussion a while ago in DB-WG, regarding a more useful(?) configuration that would still honour resource queries *not* asking (implicitly or explicitly) for contact information or person objects.
Regards, rfg