In message <20160816211600.GA93886@cilantro.c4inet.net>, "Sascha Luck [ml]" <aawg@c4inet.net> wrote:
I have a question for the Chair:
Is it the purpose of this WG to be a forum for repeated, tedious, longwinded and and libellous accusations that have heretofore not been substatiated by any evidence whatsoever?
It is with a combination of humility and amazement that I take note of Mr. Luck's personal interest in, and defense of the honor and reputation of as yet unidentified Russian cybercriminals. This exhibit of selfless compassion and commitment to the rights of total strangers puts even the likes of Mother Teresa and Pope Francis to shame. I do wonder however if The Chair should not perhaps lighten Mr. Luck's heavy burden by directly inviting the purported registrants of the IP address block to come here, speak for themselves, and defend their own honor and reputations, as they are themselves uniquely qualified to do. Regards, rfg