Shane, "Shane Kerr" wrote the following on 15/12/2010 23:15:
A small clarification:
On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 15:47 +0000, Brian Nisbet wrote:
Shane Kerr, ISC, said he thought this situation might be a reflection of a larger disconnect between the Anti-Abuse Working Group and the ISPs. He said people in the Anti-Abuse Working Group often had goals that were very disconnected from the Internet community at large. He said the people in the working group would use this as another example of people in the Internet community not listening to their wishes.
I think that my point was that there is a disconnect between people working on anti-abuse and the ISPs, not about the Anti-Abuse Working Group or its participants. I might not have said that of course...
I'll reflect that clarification, thanks. Brian.