Laura Cobley wrote:
Dear Florian and all,
Hi, (some details from our current experiences with RIPE NCC and accuracy of the RIPE objects) we currently have one case where a really big German cablenet ISP is having exacly one abuse-eMail address for their tech-c, abuse-mailbox and admin-c, for all their objects. And this one email has a domain, what does not belong to the ISP anymore, since November 2011, its currently owned by a domain grabber, because the ISP deleted the domain on purpose (on behalf of a change in the company name years ago). There is no other working contact information (phone lets you end up at their hotline where they have absolutly no idea about abuse), snail mail is no option, fax number is not supplied. We tried mailing there peering contact, their normal customer email from their website, filled their online feedback form and then opened a normal ticket at RIPE NCC, were just told to open another ticket at RIPE NCC and invested about 5 hours already describing the problem at RIPE NCC. Simply no chance, RIPE NCC is responding to tickets on a daily basis, even during business hours (jesus, we will respond in about 5 minutes if something serious like that will happen to our networks). The interest at the RIPE NCC to fix database problems does not seem to have any priority. Ah, I forgot: the maillist server mamba.ripe.net has technical problems during the last 3 weeks, we opened tickets for that as well and even got a response once, still not fixed, the maillist server is probably not reacheable for 90% of the members ... whoever will receives this could please make a telnet mamba.ripe.net 25 from some IPs he own (best would be not using his or her usual IP, if he or she likes, lets see how big that problem really is, thats why I have to mail the most active people directly). -------- Little update: seems like RIPE NCC changed the maillist server to postgirl.ripe.net and that one works. Looks like they had to change this in a hurry, because the old server did hang in the nameserver caches quite long (great, that I have to find that out myself, instead that somebody from the RIPE NCC is simply telling me that or posting to the list). -------- Sorry, if nearly the same email comes twice now ... have to test it. So: abuse does not have priority in a lot of peoples heads those days, even when they tell you that daily ... (we have about 100 abuse incidents with that ISP monthly and the ISP even resides in the same country than we are, but its still, if they reside on the other side of the moon, maybe I should demonstrate if front of the office building with a big sign saying: "you dont have a working abuse appartment") Kind regards, Frank
Over time, contact information in the RIPE Database can become outdated due to staffing changes, oversight and lack of knowledge on the part of the maintainer. Bringing the irregularity directly to the attention of this maintainer can be the quickest way to get it fixed.
If you subsequently experience difficulties with this, we can help you to get in touch with the maintainer by forwarding your report to the person responsible for the Internet number resource registration. Handling reports is a normal part of our operations within the RIPE NCC and the report form makes it easier to get in touch with us.
We ask you to include information such as mail delivery failure notices and copies of emails with headers, which clearly show the problem and the subsequent difficulties you are having. These help to substantiate the report. Our aim is to work together with you to further improve the quality of the data in the Internet number resource registry.
Best regards,
Laura Cobley RIPE NCC
On 4/6/12 8:45 PM, Florian Weimer wrote:
* Laura Cobley:
Using this form, you can now easily report various issues, including abnormalities in Internet number resource registrations, to us for further investigation.
I looked at "Incorrect contact information in the RIPE Database", and "I confirm that I have reported the incorrect information to all of the contacts listed in the relevant object" is a required checkbox.
This seems to require that complainants try postal addresses, phone and fax numbers before reporting errors in email addresses. Is this really your goal? Isn't this a step backwards?
-- Mit freundlichen Gruessen, -- MOTD: "have you enabled SSL on a website or mailbox today ?" -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb http://www.powerweb.de Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast mailto:frank@powerweb.de Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ======================================================================