Andre, On Jan 3, 2017, at 9:57 PM, ox <andre@ox.co.za> wrote:
When respected Internet Engineers and organizations develop standards for Internet software that completely ignores ethics, morality, honesty and is pale and anemic in the truth department?
You've developed quite the messianic complex here.
I strongly object to RPZ being peddled as a "standard" by the Internet Community.
The presumed draft you're unhappy about (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-vixie-dns-rpz/) is informational. It is not a standard.
RPZ will destroy the Internet - people are lazy (i am lazy also)
Actually, it is the people who do stuff that makes RPZ a solution that are destroying the Internet. RPZ is a hack that some folks find useful in addressing particular forms of abuse, nothing more.
Quite obviously we, as an Internet Community, already no longer cares much about the truth of something, which is also why we live in a post-truth planet.
Yow. RPZ is a tool. You don't like that tool? Don't use it. You care about the "truth"? Do your own DNSSEC validation. Personally, I'd prefer a world where there are fewer tools that are well described, even if some times those tools may be used in ways that I don't agree with, than in a world of a myriad of tools, poorly described, all trying to solve the same problem (using a solution I may not agree with), doing it in ways that are incompatible. Or do you think that by refusing to document something that it magically goes away? Regards, -drc (speaking only for myself)