​Good idea! Let's also use a generic name 'Spammer' for contributors to this list.

IDGARA | Alex de Joode | alex@idgara.nl | +31651108221

On Thu, 12-11-2020 13h 52min, PP <phishphucker@storey.ovh> wrote:
Is it possible to move a motion to rename this working group from Anti
Abuse WG to "The promotion of abuse working group"?

Because this entire working group is a farce.

On 12/11/2020 11:31 pm, Angela Dall'Ara wrote:
> Dear Jordi,
> The WGCC task, as defined in Section 4 of the PDP, is it to determine
> “whether to uphold or reject appeals”.
> In addition to that, in this first occurrence of an appeal being
> submitted, they chose to provide an extended explanation to you and
> the community,
> which is strictly speaking not necessary and is not part of the
> appeals process.
> However, I would like to convey here below the answers to your
> requests for clarification about the WGCC appeal outcome communication.
> I suggest we close this appeal, unless you decide to escalate to the
> RIPE Chair within the next two weeks.
> Should you have any more question, please contact me directly and I
> will be glad to assist.
> Kind regards,
> Angela Dall'Ara
> RIPE NCC Policy Officer
>     Summary
>     =======
>     The WGCC does not find sufficient reason to overturn the ruling of
>     the Anti-Abuse WG chairs on proposal 2019-04 (Validation of
>     "abuse-mailbox").
>     If Jordi wishes to bring a new proposal that he thinks may achieve
>     consensus, we note that 2019-04 was being considered during an
> unusual
>     time, when we have not had face-to-face meetings due to the COVID-19
>     pandemic. So it faced difficulties not normally facing a policy
>     proposal. As always, the Anti-Abuse WG chairs may decide not to adopt
>     any new proposal.
> [Jordi] Could you clarify this paragraph; I can't parse it.
> [Answer]: It basically says that you or anyone else may decide to
> submit a
> new proposal and that it has been recognised that these are unusual
> times due to COVID-19.
>     Scope
>     =====
>     The WGCC considers the appeal process to be solely to determine if
> the
>     working group chairs made a reasonable declaration of consensus or
>     lack of consensus.
>     The appeal process is able review whether the process was
> followed, or
>     whether there was bias shown in the declaration.
>     The appeal process will not re-visit any of the points for or against
>     the proposal.
> [Jordi] Following the PDP, I can't agree with this. Can you clarify?
> [Answer]: During an appeal, the WGCC determine whether the process has
> been
> followed or not. They do not need to review content of the discussion
> related to the proposal.
>     Discussion During the Review Phase
>     ----------------------------------
>     The need to re-state opinions was explicitly mentioned in the e-mail
>     moving the policy proposal to the review phase. It is unfortunate
> that
>     the importance of this was not clear to Jordi. Possibly in the future
>     this can be highlighted in some way.
> [Jordi] This is against the PDP. The chairs can even say I must sing a
> song, but the only valid process is the one CLEARLY STATED in the PDP.
> Nothing else. Otherwise there is a clear subjectivity in the process
> which invalidates it.
> [Answer]: Exactly. And the PDP does not require the WG Chairs to do
> anything
> during the Review Phase. The explicit invite to re-state opinions
> was an extra service.
>     New Policy Proposal
>     -------------------
>     In principle there is nothing to prevent Jordi or anyone else from
>     submitting an updated version of 2019-04. However, in the Address
>     Policy working group having submitted an unsuccessful policy proposal
>     did prejudice the working group against accepting other submissions.
>     So there is some possible concern that an updated version would
> have a
>     more difficult time.
>     There are many factors to balance when deciding what proposals to
>     accept, and the work of balancing them is up to the working group
>     chairs. So we do _not_ explicitly request that the Anti-Abuse working
>     group chairs adopt any subsequent policy proposals. We _do_ ask that
>     they give extra consideration to the unusual circumstances that we
> are
>     attempting to make policies in.
>     We do not have any recommendation to Jordi whether he or anyone else
>     should submit an updated version of 2019-04.
> [Jordi] I can't parse this. It looks contradictory. Previous text seems
> that is ok to the co-chairs to reject a new version, but here it is
> clearly stated that anyone can do it? Are we talking about a new version
> of the same proposal or a new proposal?
> [Answer]: It means it is up to you (or anyone else) to consider
> submitting a
> NEW proposal. And it is up to the WG chairs of the respective WG to
> accept such a new proposal or not.
>     Appeal discussion
>     -----------------
> [Jordi] 3 co-chairs have recused themselves. Is that meaning that all
> the discussion has been done in a different mailing list apart from
> the WGCC ?
> [Answer]: The discussion has been done on Zoom meetings, not on the
> WGCC mailing list.
> On 26/10/2020 09:50, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via anti-abuse-wg wrote:
>> There is also another point that I will like to rise and I just
>> noticed, and this is very relevant not just because this appeal, but
>> because the appeal process itself.
>> 3 co-chairs have recused themselves. Is that meaning that all the
>> discussion has been done in a different mailing list apart from the
>> WGCC ? This is an extremely important point for the neutrality of the
>> process.
>> There were other WG co-chairs that, during the proposal discussion,
>> expressed their inputs on this proposal (never mind was in favor,
>> against or neutral). It should be expected that also those co-chairs
>> didn't participate in the appeal.
>> I also expected that the co-chairs of the anti-abuse WG should have
>> taken the same self-recuse position, in order to show a real
>> neutrality/impartiality in the process.
>> All this is clearly showing a lack of impartial appeal process.
>> Regards,
>> Jordi
>> @jordipalet
>> El 26/10/20 9:40, "anti-abuse-wg en nombre de JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
>> via anti-abuse-wg" <anti-abuse-wg-bounces@ripe.net en nombre de
>> anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net> escribió:
>>      Hi Mirjam,
>>      See my responses below, in-line as many clarifications are
>> clearly required, not just because this appeal, but because there is
>> a misjudgment of the PDP itself.
>>      Regards,
>>      Jordi
>>      @jordipalet
>>      El 26/10/20 9:07, "Mirjam Kuehne" <mir@zu-hause.nl> escribió:
>>          Dear Jordi,
>>          Regarding the appeal you submitted on 5 October to the RIPE
>> Anti-Abuse
>>          Working Group mailing list, I would like to inform you about
>> the
>>          decision of the RIPE Working Group Chairs Collective
>> (according to the
>>          procedure as defined in ripe-710).
>>      [Jordi] I don't think the PDP has been followed in full for this
>> appeal. For example, there was not announcement of the publication of
>> the appeal in the web site.
>>          The WG Chairs Collective (WGCC) decided to uphold the
>> decision of the
>>          Co-Chairs of the Anti-Abuse Working Group. Please find below
>> their
>>          detailed response.
>>          Kind regards,
>>          Mirjam Kühne
>>          RIPE Chair
>>          ========
>>          Summary
>>          =======
>>          The WGCC does not find sufficient reason to overturn the
>> ruling of
>>          the Anti-Abuse WG chairs on proposal 2019-04 (Validation of
>>          "abuse-mailbox").
>>          If Jordi wishes to bring a new proposal that he thinks may
>> achieve
>>          consensus, we note that 2019-04 was being considered during
>> an unusual
>>          time, when we have not had face-to-face meetings due to the
>> COVID-19
>>          pandemic. So it faced difficulties not normally facing a policy
>>          proposal. As always, the Anti-Abuse WG chairs may decide not
>> to adopt
>>          any new proposal.
>>      [Jordi] Could you clarify this paragraph; I can't parse it.
>>          Scope
>>          =====
>>          The WGCC considers the appeal process to be solely to
>> determine if the
>>          working group chairs made a reasonable declaration of
>> consensus or
>>          lack of consensus.
>>          The appeal process is able review whether the process was
>> followed, or
>>          whether there was bias shown in the declaration.
>>          The appeal process will not re-visit any of the points for
>> or against
>>          the proposal.
>>      [Jordi] Following the PDP, I can't agree with this. Can you
>> clarify?
>>          Discussion
>>          ==========
>>          The appeal submitted includes several points that the WGCC
>> found
>>          important to consider. These are discussed here. Points
>> outside of the
>>          scope of the appeal process are omitted.
>>          RIPE NCC Impact Analysis
>>          ------------------------
>>          The appeal will not review the accuracy of the RIPE NCC impact
>>          analysis. The WGCC defers to the expertise of the RIPE NCC
>> staff who
>>          performed the analysis and the members of the Anti-Abuse WG who
>>          received the analysis.
>>          Further, an impact analysis is information intended to be
>> helpful to
>>          decide whether to adopt a policy. The RIPE community is free
>> to assign
>>          whatever weight it wishes.
>>      [Jordi] However, according to this, the co-chairs should also
>> consider that the justification provided by the author against the
>> objections is clearly demonstrating that the analysis impact is wrong
>> in certain aspects, so those objections can't be accepted as valid.
>>          Discussion During the Review Phase
>>          ----------------------------------
>>          The need to re-state opinions was explicitly mentioned in
>> the e-mail
>>          moving the policy proposal to the review phase. It is
>> unfortunate that
>>          the importance of this was not clear to Jordi. Possibly in
>> the future
>>          this can be highlighted in some way.
>>      [Jordi] This is against the PDP. The chairs can even say I must
>> sing a song, but the only valid process is the one CLEARLY STATED in
>> the PDP. Nothing else. Otherwise there is a clear subjectivity in the
>> process which invalidates it.
>>          Timing of Consensus Declaration
>>          -------------------------------
>>          Jordi mentions several possible changes to the policy
>> proposal which
>>          may have led to consensus. He suggests that the declaration of
>>          consensus was made too soon.
>>          We recognize that this is a bit of an odd time, due to
>> COVID-19. This
>>          has removed one of our valuable tools, the face-to-face
>> meetings. The
>>          already-tricky job of the working group chairs in the PDP
>> has been
>>          made harder.
>>          We rely on the chairs of the WG involved to decide whether
>> or not a
>>          proposal is likely to ever reach consensus. There are no
>> guidelines
>>          given for this decision.
>>          We find that the Anti-Abuse WG chairs were reasonable in the
>> timing of
>>          declaring that there is no consensus.
>>          Specific Points in Conclusion
>>          -----------------------------
>>          The conclusion states:
>>          1. It is not acceptable to declare lack of consensus and at
>> the same
>>              time recognize that there was “some clear support for
>> the policy
>>              during the Discussion Phase”.
>>          This is not true. Having support for a policy does not
>> _necessarily_
>>          mean there is consensus.
>>      [Jordi] Exactly the same that declaring no-consensus based on
>> justifications that have been refuted by the author, is not acceptable.
>>          2. It is not acceptable to, due to the lack of messages in
>> the Review
>>              Phase, instead of extending it, considering the summer
>> vacations
>>              period, declare lack of consensus.
>>          We find the judgment of the Anti-Abuse WG chairs to be
>> reasonable in
>>          not extending the Review Phase.
>>      [Jordi] Based on what? Because this is even clearly against the
>> text of the co-chairs decision. You also are recognizing across the
>> text that the circumstances during the Covid are special, so how come
>> then it should be acceptable not to extend the review phase
>> considering the lack of responses, and the summer period in addition
>> to the Covid itself?
>>          3. It is not acceptable to accept repeated objections as
>> valid when
>>              have been already refuted in a previous phase.
>>          The consensus declaration should defer to the community and
>> what they
>>          consider valid. It appears to have done so in this case.
>>      [Jordi] Once more, lack of consensus can't be determined based
>> on objections which are invalid as they have been reasonably refuted
>> by the author and even other community members.
>>          4. It is not acceptable to, considering the PDP (“The PDP is
>> designed
>>              so that compromises can be made and genuine consensus
>> achieved”),
>>              subjectively decide that “regardless of possible edits,
>> reaching
>>              consensus in the short or medium term”, when there are
>> possible
>>              ways to address the objections, which have anyway
>> already being
>>              addressed.
>>          We find the judgment of the Anti-Abuse WG chairs to be
>> reasonable in
>>          declaring a lack of consensus.
>>      [Jordi] This is unacceptable. If the discussion shows that
>> changes to the proposal can bring a new version which may achieve
>> consensus, then it should be allowed. We know that different
>> proposals have taken different time and different number of versions
>> to achieve consensus, so such decision about if a proposal can reach
>> or not consensus, can't be based on a subjective decision.
>>          New Policy Proposal
>>          -------------------
>>          In principle there is nothing to prevent Jordi or anyone
>> else from
>>          submitting an updated version of 2019-04. However, in the
>> Address
>>          Policy working group having submitted an unsuccessful policy
>> proposal
>>          did prejudice the working group against accepting other
>> submissions.
>>          So there is some possible concern that an updated version
>> would have a
>>          more difficult time.
>>          There are many factors to balance when deciding what
>> proposals to
>>          accept, and the work of balancing them is up to the working
>> group
>>          chairs. So we do _not_ explicitly request that the
>> Anti-Abuse working
>>          group chairs adopt any subsequent policy proposals. We _do_
>> ask that
>>          they give extra consideration to the unusual circumstances
>> that we are
>>          attempting to make policies in.
>>          We do not have any recommendation to Jordi whether he or
>> anyone else
>>          should submit an updated version of 2019-04.
>>      [Jordi] I can't parse this. It looks contradictory. Previous
>> text seems that is ok to the co-chairs to reject a new version, but
>> here it is clearly stated that anyone can do it? Are we talking about
>> a new version of the same proposal or a new proposal?
>>          Working Group Chairs Excluded
>>          ==============================
>>          The working group chairs of the Anti-Abuse working group
>> were not part
>>          of the discussions regarding the appeal.
>>          A number of other working group chairs recused themselves
>> from the
>>          appeal.  These were:
>>          * Erik Bais
>>          * Gert Doering
>>          * Denis Walker
>>          In addition, Mirjam Kühne and Niall O'Reilly recused
>> themselves from
>>          discussion and writing of the appeal.
>>          Recommendation to All RIPE WG Chairs
>>          ====================================
>>          We recommend that all RIPE WG Chairs provide extra help for
>> all policy
>>          proposals while we are struggling to deal with lack of
>> face-to-face
>>          contact. The form of this help will vary depending on the
>> proposal.
>>          The rest of the WGCC is available to discuss any topics
>> related to
>>          this if any WG chairs want additional feedback or ideas.
>>          This advice does not strictly fall within the scope of the
>> appeal, but
>>          the appeal brought the issue to the attention of the WGCC.
>> We consider
>>          it important to mention here.
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