Hi Roland,
The old saying is "The best is the enemy of the good". Validation and/or verification of RIPE WHOIS data can be improved, even though any system which attempts to do so most probably cannot be made foolproof.
No. You're still thinking in terms of constructing an iron-clad and absolutely foolproof system that utterly prevents all fraud. I'm suggesting a system with vastly less ambitious goals, one which would simply check that the voice phone number for a given person or entity listed in the RIPE WHOIS db *isn't* simply disconnected, out-of-service, the number of a FAX machine, the number of a company or individual whose identity has been stolen, or the number of an unrelated brothel in Amsterdam. That alone would be a vast improvement over the current status quo, I think.
Similarly, in the case of mailing addresses, either RIPE NCC or the LIRs could check the data base of one of the aforementioned service bureaus that serve that mailing industry, to see if the addresses in RIPE WHOIS records even exist. A clever crook will still put in the address of some vacant lot somewhere, or maybe his local meat market or police station, but at least we wouldn't be looking at "123 Galaxy St., Mars, The Universe" and such utter nonsense as that.
NASA is going to be so disappointed ;) But seriously: I agree
My apologies. I didn't mean to imply that accuracy of the RIPE DB is a mere detail. That accuracy has been the reason behind quite a few policies! I meant to say that policy doesn't contain implementation details. The way a policy is implemented is left to the RIPE NCC. The policy just says that contact information has to be up to date.
I want to understand. Are you saying that RIPE NCC could unilaterally just decide to start performing phone verification of contact points listed in the WHOIS data base?
It probably would need a mandate from its members to approve the extra budget for implementing those checks etc. But I don't see why they couldn't.
Even for amateur sleuths such as myself, every additional data point helps during an investigation. The example of AS204224 is illustrative. If I knew for certain that someone had positively validated the phone number when that AS has been assigned in July, then I would also know, almost to a moral certainty, that the company itself, and not some identity thief, was the party engaged in the recent routing hanky panky.
You are thinking about formal, government-held business records. I myself am not. Official government business records, when available, are helpful to investigations. But if they aren't available, then they aren't, and that's all there is to it. You work with what you have.
OK. I promise not to attach too much value to a validated phone number. Seriously, I agree with you that checking the phone number isn't a panacea, but it's better than nothing.
Glad we're agreeing :)
I apologize. You are correct, That comment on my part was utterly uncalled for, and I would very much like to retract it.
Consider it retracted :)
But I hope that you understand my sensitivity.
I do. Sometimes when discussing difficult subjects the wording can get a bit too strong. I can deal with that, and I know you have good intentions. I now understand your ideas better, and understand that you are looking for a first step in improving the database accuracy. Not looking for a complete solution as I was :) I think we reached the point where we should ask the RIPE NCC on their opinion on this and to see what they think is doable. Cheers, Sander