On Friday 04 November 2011 22:28:10 Leo Vegoda wrote:
Though I still think a direct contact with the IP would close down that fraudulent link immediately.
There's no reason you can't do both. If you report it to the bank they have an interest in stopping the criminals while the network operators just has an interest in them moving on.
Leo Vegoda
Hi Leo You are missing the point entirely. Firstly, it is not the job of the Bank of Ireland to persue fraudsters all around the world merely because they are pretending to be the BOI. This is an attempt to steal money from people. It is a crime. The only main contact with the criminals is the ISP. They will know the acual contact details of the criminls, hopefully, and can act on that, or at the very least shut that link down pronto. Secondly, there are many scams out there trying to con people into giving details of their credit cards etc with no direct connection to any bank - thus the abuse contact details still should be easy to obtain so a report can be sent from anyone aware of a fraud attempt, even a Lou Blogs. Thought experiment: If you saw a bank robbery and the thieves were using a HONDA as the getaway car, would you contact HONDA or would you contact the police? To a certain degree you are saying I should contact Honda, whereas I would consider contacting the police, or someone who can contact the police - in this case the ISP. Slán Lou Achill, Ireland - where the sun shines from morning till night . . . . . . . . . . above the rain clouds 8=(