On Mon, 30 Jan 2017 13:21:54 +0000 HRH Prince Sven Olaf von CyberBunker <svenk@xs4all.nl> wrote:
smtp is just one of many protocols out there, a primitive, fairly unimportant and severely lacking in terms of security one at that, and it's protection cannot be a reason for any disconnection -ever-.
This thread is about DNSBL and not about the smtp protocol but the replies helped us all understand why it is important to permanently list entire IP ranges. (Even if the resources change hands) Personally, I think that block times should be increased or become more permanent. Practically and right now, some of the block lists that I feed data into is talking about discontinuing 24 hour blocks completely and moving to much longer block times. Other lists are considering completely discontinuing auto de-listing. The effect of this will mean that abuse@ will have to become more responsive in order to avoid being more permanently listed. Andre