>Following recent discussions on this mailing list regarding
personal data, the RIPE NCC would like to clarify a few points.
I have a few questions to RIPE and
RIPE community:
-The issue of whois access is not
to an RIR so why isn't the issue elevated to the ASO so the
policies are consistent across RIR's?
-What requirements does the EU set
personal information where the owner has agreed to place the
in a publicly available database? Each discussion I have seen
merely says personal information must be protected without
any discussion as to whether permission was given to make the
information available.
-Why is the abuse contact
different than the other types of contacts as it relates to the
of personal information?
-Once RIPE reviewed the report from
the task force was apparently a legal review completed. Is that
review available
to the public?
-Why does task force report have
little or no useful information about how the conclusions were
-Since these mailing lists and
are only a tiny fraction of Internet users what initiatives are
there to
solicit opinions of those being affected by the decisions?
In this case spam, abuse, and access to the whois data is a
universal issue and not limited within a region. there is a large
gap between the task force report and the implementation of the
AUP. Isn't this policy setting by the RIPE NCC? (such as setting a limit of
a certain number of queries per day, disregarding the fact that
some requests are "pass-through"
and the IP they detect is not the actual IP address, definition of
"bulk" access, etc.)
-Since the current restriction do
or nothing to stop "harvesters" from collecting the information
(since they use a distributed system of IP's) what is the purpose
of IP
address restrictions (other than cases of DOS attacks which is
-What exactly is "abuse of the
information"? Is this defined anywhere? It seems to me
that each person will have a different idea of what is "abuse"
depending on their personal view of the world.
Thank You