On 8/15/2012 11:55 AM, Luis Muñoz wrote:
In my experience, lists managed through those principles tend to fall out of use relatively quickly and are therefore rather inconsequential for mail delivery.
That is not my experience. For instance, you can readily find complaints about Microsoft and Cisco as well as some of the contributors to this list. This is the norm and any place that does a good job is the exception. it is interesting how people heavily involved in "abuse" respond the way you have responded yet when you ask small businesses or non-technical experts who have been subject to false alarms respond in a completely different manner. This is because the people heavily involved in abuse are often out of touch with the rest of the world and only circulate amoong a small group of systems administrators. One guy told me I could not have known what I was talking about because he had never met me at one one of the conferences he goes to. Another very well known ant-spammer who acts as an expert witness never heard of the CISSP certification and claimed it was some kind of worthless certification. This is the same guy who says ISP's should be scanning everyone's email but when it is pointed out this violates the privacy policies he never answers. Then these types often go around calling everyone else "clueless."