In message <b741c19f-bae6-ca67-945f-052c5dfaa1e2@key-systems.net>, Volker Greimann <vgreimann@key-systems.net> wrote:
Hi Robert,
The nane is Ron, actually.
in 99,9% of the cases, the customer we forward the complaint to is not the spammer, but the service provider used by the spammer for their domain registration services, e.g. the party who has the closer relationship and can actually do something about the issue, such as disabling their customers access to the service.
OK, two points: 1) *YOU* can do something about the issue if you are the registrar of record. All of this crap designed to evade any and all -responsibility- on your part is just that, crap. You hide behind multiple layers of "resellers" and try to tell the world that because you elect to do business this way, your company is can dodge all responsiblity. These lame excuses and attemps to evade personal or corporate responsibility don't work in war crimes trials and if there were any justice in the world they wouldn't work any better on the Internet. 2) You have "resellers". OK. Fine. So you forward *my* spam complaint on to your reseller. Then your reseller forwards it on to his pet spammer... you know... the one that is providing 93% of that reseller's domain registration revenue. Now, please explain to me, slowly and carefully, what it is that either compels or even motivates your reseller to take action against the party that is putting bread on his table? More to the point, please tell me what prevents that reseller from ratting me out to his pet spammer, so that his pet spammer can then DDoS "the troublemaker"? Your entire industry, with all of its sellers and re-sellers and re-re-sellers is all just one colossal layered ponzi scheme which is funded and fueled more than 90% these days by snowshoe spammers. You know it and I know it. The only people who don't know it are the people who haven't taken the time to study what is really going on. There are, at last count, something like eighty seven thousand ICANN Accredited domain name registrars, and 98% of them would be out of business tomorrow if it were not for the snowshoe spammer trade, because there is NO real money to be made just selling domain names, one or two at a time, to butcher shops and dentist's offices. You are just porcine animals, feeding at the trough of a corrupt trade made possible by what amounts to your over-arching industry lobbying organization, ICANN.
Also, our treatment of WHOIS is not in violation of ICANN contracts, but in compliance with it. Check out the Temporary Specification to the agreements that ICANN put out.
I really don't give a rat's ass what self-serving fradulent justifications ICANN has put out to try to excuse their own inaction *or* your non-compliance with your contractual commitments. The fact remains that GDPR *does not* restrict domain registrars from displaying the Organization: fields in WHOIS records, specifically when the named organizations represent things other than natural persons... which is almost always the case... and yet I can name right now any number of ICANN Accredited domain name registrars that are, and that have been, for quite some time now, very deliberately suppressing literally *all* WHOIS data fields, period. How do you justify that? How does your corrupt industry justify that?
We are working hard to bring back some model to provide access to registration data to parties with a legitimate interests, but...
Screw that! This is just a clever smoke-screen, invented by your corrupt industry to try to fool naive and stupid people into believing that there is really some complex issue here when there isn't. The Organization: field of each and every domain name WHOIS records is quite clearly SUPPOSED to contain the name of the non-natural-person to which the domain name is registered. So why do most domain name registrars suppress this data? What is your excuse for that, when GDPR clearly does not apply? I am *not* talking about your industry's lame attempts to limit access to the data to only *your* hand-picked non-troublemaker "parties with a legitimate interest". These are just industry code words for "law enforcement only" access. This is what your industry wants, because you all know good and goddamn well that law enforcement doesn't have the time, the interest, the training, or the manpower to chase down mere small-time hackers and spammers, so your industry-wide plan is to proceeding according to these two phases: 1) Suppress *all* WHOIS information, even for entities not covered by GDPR, and then... 2) When people complaint that you are violating your clear contractual commitments to ICANN (which ICANN, which also profits handsomely from the snowshoe spammer trade, is conveniently doing nothing about) then your industry offers to "compromise" by allowing WHOIS access *only* to untrained, ineffective, and mostly uninterested law enforcement. Actually, I must complement your whole industry for being so clever about all of this. You all set out, with a unity of purpose, to try to screw Internet end users and to preserve your industry and its ability to make fat profits from spammers and phishers, all while making sure that WHOIS became entirely off-limits to the public at large, just so that none of those nosey busybodies could call you out publicly for the fact that you are all these days catering, mostly, to spammers and phishers . And your plan is so far working beautifully for you. You are all working together to screw and disappear the entire WHOIS system which has existed since the very beginning of the Internet, all just so that you guys in your industry can make fat profits without even the smallest smidgeon of public accountability. I hope that you are proud of what you and your industry have accomplished. But I just have to ask: Does your mother know what you do for a living? I won't blame you if you tell me that you are too ashamed to tell her. Regards, rfg