Colleagues, For the past couple of RIPE meetings the charter (as per http://www.ripe.net/ripe/groups/wg/anti-abuse ) has bee mentioned on the agenda, but not much has happened. While I note that there hasn't been a huge call for change (nor do I believe much change is required), I'd like to propose a slightly altered Charter in advance of our meeting on Thursday. Of course that is not to suggest that discussion should be limited to that meeting. The discussion should take place here, mainly because this is the right place for it, but also given the time limitations we have at RIPE68. The change I'm suggesting is to this section: "It is considered difficult for this charter to include an exhaustive list of abuse types that would be considered within the scope of this working group, not least because this is expected to change over time. However an initial list can be stated and any necessary additions can be made. Spam via SMTP Spam via VoIP (SPIT) Spam via IM Webforum/blog Abuse All systems and mechanisms, technical and non-technical used to create, control and make money from such abuse. It is important to note that areas such as cybersquatting or hosting illegal content are not seen to be part of the remit of the working group." I would instead propose: "It is considered difficult for this charter to include an exhaustive list of abuse types that would be considered within the scope of this working group, not least because this is expected to change over time. The list below is relevant at time of writing, but any necessary additions, subtractions or changes can be made. Spam via any medium Webforum/blog Abuse Denial-of-service attacks All systems and mechanisms, technical and non-technical used to create, control and make money from network abuse. While areas such as cybersquatting or hosting illegal content are not seen as a central part of the working group's remit, they are unquestionably bound up in other aspects of network abuse and, as such, may well be areas of interest." I believe this properly reflects the work the WG has undertaken thus far and the discussion both on list and at meetings. Brian Co-Chair, RIPE AA-WG