Ronald F. Guilmette wrote the following on 19/06/2013 00:39:
In message <>, wrote:
May I suggest this description:
So basically JUST spamming.
Nothing about hacking, nothing about phishing or spear phishing, nothing about IP space hijacking (e.g. for SEO purposes only and NOT any spamming), nothing about credit card or other financial crimes, nothing about defrauding RIPE and/or entering deliberately bogus information into the RIPE data base.
Is that about the size of it?
No, not really. I do note your comments about definitions, but I would also point out a couple of things. First off the important line in the charter is: "It is considered difficult for this charter to include an exhaustive list of abuse types that would be considered within the scope of this working group, not least because this is expected to change over time. However an initial list can be stated and any necessary additions can be made." The list that follows almost entirely touches on spam, unquestionably, but the WG itself has discussed and dealt with a range of other abuses. Additionally phishing (spear or otherwise) was certainly intended to be covered by Spam via SMTP. The aim was to start with a non-exhaustive list and not have a charter full of bullet points. The second point is that in Dublin in May Tobias and I undertook to review the charter and to see if we could usefully expand the list and the charter in general. Thirdly the WG has worked with the NCC on the Closure and Deregistration document which I think covers some of your points above. There are definitely things missing, but I think it would be wrong to look at the charter in isolation, especially as that page also links to the minutes of the WG sessions that clearly show what else is going on. Brian